Becali: "Dragomir will leave from the League, 14 clubs are against him"

Articol de GSP - Publicat luni, 12 aprilie 2010 00:00

The coalition against Dragomir seems to fall into place. The sponsor of Steaua announces that the leader of LPF has no chance to remain in the lead of the institution.

"I think that four clubs support him. The score is 14-4. Someone said me that if Gică Popescu comes it is as if we replace a tin plate with a brilliant.

He has no chance. I am 99 % sure that he will leave from the League. I am sure on ten clubs, but it is possible to be 14, even 15, I haven’t spoken yet with them. And these which I am sure of are hardened. I don’t need to convince them.

One told me that he gives blood so that Dragomir may leave. Another one said to me that he fuddles if he gets rid of him. I think he is supported by Timişoara, Craiova, Astra and Bistriţa. But I just think that, because I haven’t talked with them. It is possible to be even Gaz Metan on this list, but i don’t think so", said Gigi Becali.

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