Porumboiu: "A coach has sent to an adversary sponsor 10 messages in which he transmitted to be calm because he won’t demote!"

Articol de GSP - Publicat luni, 24 mai 2010 00:00

The sponsor of FC Vaslui, Adrian Porumboiu, has revealed that a coach from League 1 sent several messages to a sponsor’s team involved in the struggle for avoiding the demotion in order to assure him that he won’t demote.

"I have invested more than CFR Cluj and the other that took the trophies in the last two seasons. I am disappointed, we are living in an infinite hypocrisy, I found out yesterday some shocking things.

A coach has sent to an adversary club sponsor 10 messages in which he transmitted to be calm because he won’t demote! Take this information as certain! I have it from the one that received the messages, so the information is sure! I won’t say the name!", said Porumboiu at sportro.

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