Comentarii (53)
run.away  •  02 Mai 2013, 14:34

Cunosc personal 3 juctaori mari de snooker. Trump e foarte talentat, insa O'Sullivan este the best ever. Problema lui insa e faptul ca sufera de o boala psihica si e sub tratament permanent. Are bipolar disorder. Daca ar fi fost sanatos azi Trump ar fi fost condus cu 11-0.

sfantu_mitri  •  02 Mai 2013, 14:01
Postat de hunter2oo5 pe 02 Mai 2013, 13:49

Nu stiu unde ai gasit tu declaratia respectiva, ca eu nu o gasesc pe site-ul oficial de snooker. Am ascultat-o si pe cea live si nu a zis asa ceva. Daca ai gasit-o prin tabloide pt mine e clara credibilitatea lor.

Tabloidul BBC. ://

hunter2oo5  •  02 Mai 2013, 13:49
Postat de sfantu_mitri pe 02 Mai 2013, 13:42

"People are just scared of him, scared of the name," said 23-year-old Trump, warming to the theme. "'Oh my God, I'm playing Ronnie! I can't win!' But this is the big stage, where I want to be, and I want to prove people wrong. "Everyone thinks Ronnie's the best by a country mile, but I've beaten him more times than he's beaten me (Trump leads O'Sullivan 6-5) and my best is as good as his. I've heard from my brother that he hasn't played that well." "Ronnie is such a good front runner but get in front of him and see what happens," "He's been in charge in all of his games so far, so he has an air of invincibility. But the way my game's matured

Nu stiu unde ai gasit tu declaratia respectiva, ca eu nu o gasesc pe site-ul oficial de snooker. Am ascultat-o si pe cea live si nu a zis asa ceva. Daca ai gasit-o prin tabloide pt mine e clara credibilitatea lor.

hunter2oo5  •  02 Mai 2013, 13:42
Postat de hunter2oo5 pe 02 Mai 2013, 13:37

I am here to win the tournament and nothing less than that will do for me. Only a certain amount of players have got the self belief that they can beat Ronnie and I am one of them. Hopefully I can go out there and scare him. I think my best is just as good as his. I need to prove that, he has proved it over the years whereas I haven't. I am not scared of the name. Asta este declaratia lui Trump reala. Ori e traducatorul prost si n-are habar de engleza, ori nu-l suporta si a vrut sa denigreze imaginea lui Judd Trump in Romania.

Mie unul mi se pare o declaratie de bun simt cea a lui Judd. Imi plac amandoi jucatorii si pentru mine asta e finala de la Crucible de anul asta! Sper sa ne arate cel mai bun joc al lor dealugul intregului meci si fie ca cel mai bun dintre ei sa castige!

sfantu_mitri  •  02 Mai 2013, 13:42
Postat de hunter2oo5 pe 02 Mai 2013, 13:37

I am here to win the tournament and nothing less than that will do for me. Only a certain amount of players have got the self belief that they can beat Ronnie and I am one of them. Hopefully I can go out there and scare him. I think my best is just as good as his. I need to prove that, he has proved it over the years whereas I haven't. I am not scared of the name. Asta este declaratia lui Trump reala. Ori e traducatorul prost si n-are habar de engleza, ori nu-l suporta si a vrut sa denigreze imaginea lui Judd Trump in Romania.

"People are just scared of him, scared of the name," said 23-year-old Trump, warming to the theme. "'Oh my God, I'm playing Ronnie! I can't win!' But this is the big stage, where I want to be, and I want to prove people wrong. "Everyone thinks Ronnie's the best by a country mile, but I've beaten him more times than he's beaten me (Trump leads O'Sullivan 6-5) and my best is as good as his. I've heard from my brother that he hasn't played that well." "Ronnie is such a good front runner but get in front of him and see what happens," "He's been in charge in all of his games so far, so he has an air of invincibility. But the way my game's matured

hunter2oo5  •  02 Mai 2013, 13:37

I am here to win the tournament and nothing less than that will do for me. Only a certain amount of players have got the self belief that they can beat Ronnie and I am one of them. Hopefully I can go out there and scare him. I think my best is just as good as his. I need to prove that, he has proved it over the years whereas I haven't. I am not scared of the name. Asta este declaratia lui Trump reala. Ori e traducatorul prost si n-are habar de engleza, ori nu-l suporta si a vrut sa denigreze imaginea lui Judd Trump in Romania.

alexandru_p  •  02 Mai 2013, 13:34

iar ii puneti vorbe in gura ca sa scoateti titluri de can-can. baiatul a fost mult mai respectuos in declaratii, dar daca ii tot taiati din vorbe si ii traduceti pe alaturi, normal ca il scoateti nesimtit!

ovidiu_3003  •  02 Mai 2013, 13:25

Trump are dreptate ...pentru el Sulica acesta nu e cine stie ce ...

ainraymon  •  02 Mai 2013, 13:18

Inventati... Denigrati... Incitati... Asta-i reteta "succesului" vostru... Mai mult nu puteti... Pentru ca bci nu stiti mai multe!!! Asta-i dovada competentei voastre! RUSINE! PACAT DE CEI CARE "pun botu" la toate minciunile voastre!!!

thumbzilla..  •  02 Mai 2013, 13:15
Postat de miguel_alex pe 02 Mai 2013, 13:07

e singurl care are o sansa sa-l bata pe ronnie si sper sa o faca!

speri degeaba ::))

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