Cornel Penescu and his brother were brought to DNA Piteşti for audiencest

Articol de GSP - Publicat luni, 13 aprilie 2009 00:00

The sponsor of the club FC Argeş, Cornel Penescu, and his brother, Ilie, were brought to DNA Piteşti for audiences.

Meanwhile, at the head office of the club FC Argeş arrived the prosecutor Doru Ţuluş, and at the central head office of PIC (group of companies which belong to Penescu brothers, n.r.) entered two masked policemen.

"There are some persons here who are checking the files. We don’t know now what all is about. The check is legal. We are waiting for more explanations",
declared, on Monday, Cristian Mincă, the president from FC Argeş, who was at the head office of the club.

A group of judicial police officers from the National Anticorruption Directorate took, on Monday, from the head office of the Romanian Football Federation, several documents which have a connection with a file investigated by the Territorial Service Piteşti of DNA. The prosecutors have even put a seal on the office of the referees’ chief from FRF.

"The president of the Referees central committee, Gheorghe Constantin is hinted at, his office being sealed by the prosecutors right now", declared some time ago judicial sources.

The source: NewsIn

The sponsor of the club FC Argeş, Cornel Penescu, and his brother, Ilie, were brought to DNA Piteşti for audiences.

Meanwhile, at the head office of the club FC Argeş arrived the prosecutor Doru Ţuluş, and at the central head office of PIC (group of companies which belong to Penescu brothers, n.r.) entered two masked policemen.

"There are some persons here who are checking the files. We don’t know now what all is about. The check is legal. We are waiting for more explanations",
declared, on Monday, Cristian Mincă, the president from FC Argeş, who was at the head office of the club.

A group of judicial police officers from the National Anticorruption Directorate took, on Monday, from the head office of the Romanian Football Federation, several documents which have a connection with a file investigated by the Territorial Service Piteşti of DNA. The prosecutors have even put a seal on the office of the referees’ chief from FRF.

"The president of the Referees central committee, Gheorghe Constantin is hinted at, his office being sealed by the prosecutors right now", declared some time ago judicial sources.

The source: NewsIn

Interviu ȘOCANT cu fostul internațional român care deține o școală de fotbal: „80% dintre români susțin Rusia. Știm cu toții ce este Ucraina - rahat!” » GSP l-a contactat azi: „Îmi mențin afirmațiile!”

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