Steaua is 90 minutes away from the Europa League knock-out round » THANK YOU, REINA! ;)

Articol de GSP - Publicat vineri, 03 decembrie 2010 00:00

Steaua is still second in Group K and will play for a place in the Europa League knock-out round at Napoli.

Steaua started in the offensive against Liverpool's reserves. Two corners in the first 60 seconds and the fans were going wild. The Romanian side controled the game but only until they reached Liverpool's penalty area.

Bicfalvi no, Jovanovici yes
Surdu and Bogdan Stancu ran as fast as they could, but the first major chance came from Bicfalvi who's header just went over the post. Liverpool's reaction came immediatly when Babel crossed from the right side and Milan Jovanovici easily defeated Tatarusanu with a great header. Lacatus's team went soft, but the English side had mercy. Steaua's biggest chance came in the closing moments of the first half, when Stancu just missed the target from an ideal position.

Reina's gift

Steaua is still second in Group K and will play for a place in the Europa League knock-out round at Napoli.

Steaua started in the offensive against Liverpool's reserves. Two corners in the first 60 seconds and the fans were going wild. The Romanian side controled the game but only until they reached Liverpool's penalty area.

Bicfalvi no, Jovanovici yes
Surdu and Bogdan Stancu ran as fast as they could, but the first major chance came from Bicfalvi who's header just went over the post. Liverpool's reaction came immediatly when Babel crossed from the right side and Milan Jovanovici easily defeated Tatarusanu with a great header. Lacatus's team went soft, but the English side had mercy. Steaua's biggest chance came in the closing moments of the first half, when Stancu just missed the target from an ideal position.

Reina's gift

Steaua continued to attack and the result finally came in the 61st minute when Bonfim's header tricked Reina who dropped the ball in his own goal. Banel could have qualified Steaua in the next round but missed the target and the final battle will take place in Napoli.

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