Raţ is rushing his recovery so he can play in the start of the preliminaries » Risks for România

Articol de - Publicat joi, 26 august 2010 00:00

Raţ will tie Ungureanu in the unofficial longevity table for left backs at the Romanian national team: 8 years and 7 months from his debute.

Şahtior's defender is rushing his recovery from his torn muscle in order to be able to play for Romania in the start of the Euro preliminaries against Albania and Belarus, even if he risks getting a severe injury.

Răzvan Raţ (29 years old) wants to help the national team start perfectly with all costs. For Romania's number one left back the games with Albania (3 September, Piatra Neamţ) and Belarus (7 September, Minsk) have a special meaning.

Raţ will enter a select group of longevity in the Romanian national team history. Şahtior's defender will celebrate 8 years and 7 months from his debute (February 2002, France - Romania 2-1) and will tie Nae Ungureanu, the ex-left back from Craiova Maxima who played for Romania back in the 80's.

The unofficial table is lead by Mişa Klein who played for Romania 10 ani and two months.

"My goal is the top 10"

The defender wants to enter the top ten all-time most selected players in the national team. He has played until now 66 times for Romania.

- Răzvan, do you know that you will become one of the most selected left back's in the Romanian national team history?
- No, i don't like statistics.

- You will tie Ungureanu with 8 years and 7 months. Only Mişa Klein has 10 years at the national team.
- I am happy, but i want to remain in history by qualifying to the Euro 2012. I would be happier if i reach this goal. I don't hide that my personal objective is to enter the top ten.

- Your recovery is miracoulos...
- No it isn't. I'm not at 100% yet. I will se on Sunday if I can perform good in a match. I could injure myself again even if i rest for three or four weeks. I will take my chances by playing with Albania and Belarus because i don't want to miss the debute of these preliminaries like i did last time. It's very important that we start with six points.

10 games is all that Raţ needs to enter the all-time top 10 of selections in the national team

"Raţ is better than me on any level. He is good as a left back, he plays for a big team, he earns more money. In my time you would play for free or for diplomas"

Nicolae Ungureanu, ex-international

"Raţ deserves to be among the most representative left backs in Romanian football history. He plays like I used to. He has speed, he likes to attack and he crosses well"
Tibor Selymes, ex-internaţional

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