Octavian Belu: "Drăgulescu can be defeated at jumps only if he defeats himself"

Articol de GSP - Publicat duminica, 18 octombrie 2009 00:00

The former coach of the women gymnastic team, Octavian Belu, has also talked about Marian Drăgulescu’s performance, who won the 8th world title in his career: "Drăgulescu is a won sportsman for the great performance.
This is the destiny of a person, who, after one or two years of sufferance and problems, managed to overtake everything that was against him and to come back where he deserves to be. Let’s be serious, Drăgulescu can be defeated at jumps only if he defeats himself.
I have never seen yet a jumper like him, although everybody tries to make the jump which he made for the first time. So, this is a special victory for him, for his career".

Belu has also spoken about the silver medaled from the jumps final: "We shall not forget Flavius Koczi’s result, therefore, this is a special performance for the masculine gymnastic and the hopes for the Olympic Games are again real.
Even if the coach teams changed, even if there are many young gymnasts, Marian Drăgulescu is still the one who manages to give another image to the Romanian sport in general, not only to the gymnastic".

The source: NewsIn

The former coach of the women gymnastic team, Octavian Belu, has also talked about Marian Drăgulescu’s performance, who won the 8th world title in his career: "Drăgulescu is a won sportsman for the great performance.
This is the destiny of a person, who, after one or two years of sufferance and problems, managed to overtake everything that was against him and to come back where he deserves to be. Let’s be serious, Drăgulescu can be defeated at jumps only if he defeats himself.
I have never seen yet a jumper like him, although everybody tries to make the jump which he made for the first time. So, this is a special victory for him, for his career".

Belu has also spoken about the silver medaled from the jumps final: "We shall not forget Flavius Koczi’s result, therefore, this is a special performance for the masculine gymnastic and the hopes for the Olympic Games are again real.
Even if the coach teams changed, even if there are many young gymnasts, Marian Drăgulescu is still the one who manages to give another image to the Romanian sport in general, not only to the gymnastic".

The source: NewsIn

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