Comentarii (82)
 •  02 Octombrie 2008, 06:40

Aici prima data in viata ii dau dreptate lui Sandu. Asta tre sa fie stadion de fotbal cu spatii comerciale in restul timpului ca sa aduca si bani la stat . Pista aia mi se pare de prost gust atata timp ca se poate construi un complex dedicat atletismului cu 40 de milioane. Atletism nu inseamna numai alergat in jurul pistei, iar un stadion de fotbal trebuie sa vanda biletele la meciuri .

 •  02 Octombrie 2008, 03:14

O'Sullivan casts doubts over woman who beat her to Olympic title Date: 29/09/2008 SEPTEMBER 29 - IRISHWOMAN Sonia O'Sullivan has cast a doubt over whether the Romanian who beat to the Olympic gold medal in the 5,000 metres at Sydney in 2000 was using banned performance-enhancing drugs or not. O'Sullivan admits in her autobiography, Sonia, My Story, to be published on Thursday that she did not know when she raced who was on drugs and who was not. In the book, produced with the help

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