Alcohol and argue

Articol de GSP - Publicat duminica, 15 februarie 2009 00:00

The international of 25 years old was sent to Dinamo II after he consumed alcohol and he made a scandal in the training camp from Antalya

The nice atmosphere from the "dogs" training camp from Antalya, created after the consecutive victories in the friendly matches, was crumbled on Friday night. Gabriel Tamaş, who had just come back from the national team, where he played on Wednesday evening against Croatia, had a field night. :O

He argued with Niculae and Niculescu
"He consumed alcohol with a few colleagues, but he came it strong", narrated the sources inside the team. He got drunken and he provoked a dispute, the most affected being Claudiu Niculescu and Marius Niculae. The dispute was about to last until the morning, but the colleagues and the technical staff intervened. The leaders of the team found out immediately about this, :S who, together with the technical staff decided that Tamaş will be sent to Dinamo II on an indefinite period of time!

A fine of 5.000 euro
Yesterday morning, Gabi had lunch with his colleagues as if nothing had happened. Then he discussed with the leaders, with the coach, they communicated him the decision, and at 16:30 he moved at the hotel "Fame Residence" from Lara, where the team Dinamo II is lodged, at 40 kilometers distance from the training camp of the big team. He didn’t train last evening with the second team, only tomorrow he will start to train, and he may even play in the friendly match of Dinamo II with FC Moscova. 

The president of CA, Nicolae Badea, confirmed the scandal: "Gabi Tamaş’ move to the second team of the club was determined by disciplinary reasons, more exactly, the consume of alcohol in the training camp, which is not allowed. :X Especially that he is a basis player of Dinamo and the national team. I hope he will understand the decision taken by the club and he will change his behaviour as soon as possible". The leaders want to surcharge the defender of 25 years old with 5.000 euro, but they wait to see how the player behaves at Dinamo II.

They want to scare him
Even if they took the decision to surcharge Tamaş and send him to train with the kids from the second team, the defender will be received again at Dinamo. "When he gets over and apologizes to his colleagues and the coaches, he will be received again at the team", say the leaders. "The dogs" didn’t try to fix up the scandal, especially that there had been maximum punishments after "The episode manea". "We would have created a big difference between the players, the technical staff and the leaders, the atmosphere would have been changed. Who makes mistakes has to pay, , ;) no matter of his name and value", continued the shareholders.

"If he had something in his mind, now, he would have been at Milan or Inter!"
The executive president Cristi Borcea commented yesterday on GSP TV about Tamaş’ status: "This is a disappointment, because it comes from a player who made a lot of financial sacrifices to come again here. If he had brain, with the qualities he has, he could have been at Milan or Inter now! He has to understand that discipline is very important for us. The next step will be his exclusion from the team", said the official of "the dogs".

The variant for this summer
The entire scandal could be favourable for Dinamo in the future. Borrowed from Auxerre until this summer, with the option to buy him for 4 millions euro, Gabriel Tamaş is still watched by Celtic and Juventus Torino, plus another clubs from Germany. All this scandal may create him problems if he wants to transfer abroad, and Dinamo can negotiate a smaller price :D with the French, at the end of the championship, for a definitive transfer of the defender of 25 years old.

Rednic decides
The consequences of the gestures made by Tamaş were left up to the technical staff of Dinamo. "Rednic sent him at Dinamo II and he will decide when he turns back", said Cristi Borcea, round by Nicolae Badea: "The technical leaders have the duty to propose such a punishment, it is about the coach mastery ;) and it is natural to support him". Vasile Turcu is more indulgent: "Even if he is young and he made a mistake, he has to keep the rules. The decision taken by Rednic is correct, I think that Tamaş will change and will help us to get the title".

Il Luce’s method
when he trained Rapid, Mircea Lucescu had his own method of testing the football players who had spent their night in clubs drinking. He asked the masseurs to put some bottles of water on the margins of the ground and he looked discreetly to see which player goes to the bottles. "The thirsty players" were observed by the present coach from Şahtior, who realised who the drinkers are.

MIRCEA SANDU the president of FRF, in September 2008
"If I want to be football player I do not go all the time in clubs, I go once a month. Tamaş was discharged from many clubs and he found his place at Dinamo"

VICTOR PIŢURCĂ the spotter of Romania
"I hope to be just a mistake made by Gabi Tamaş. I would like to count on him. He has little chances to play in the national team from Dinamo II, but I am sure that he will come again to the first team"

GHEORGHE MIHALI the coach from  "U" Cluj
"I congratulate Rednic because he had the courage to take this decision, in order to maintain the discipline at the team. He showed that he is the boss there!"

500.000 euro is the salary for a season which Gabriel Tamaş receives in Ştefan cel Mare

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