
Articol de - Publicat marti, 18 noiembrie 2008 00:00

Mircea Lucescu thinks that the friendly match with Georgia is not probative, because the football players are concentrated on the end of the season at their clubs

The friendly match with Georgia, which will be played tomorrow, on the stadium of Dinamo, from 20:30 (live on Antena 1), is not favoured by everybody. Mircea Lucescu, explains why: "I do not understand the utility of a friendly match in November. There are many countries which gave up this kind of matches which are not important. I do not give advices, but I think that only the players from the second wave should have been convoked. The players from the second wave would have come with a greater enthusiasm than those who play to other clubs. I could have kept Raţ at Doneţk, but there are a lot of wounded players and I understood Piţurcă. FRF promised to use Răzvan for only one half, because on Friday we in the championship, and on Wednesday we play in the League". What does Piţurcă wait from the match with Georgia?. "I hope to win a few young players".

The lot for Georgia: Lobonţ, Pantilimon - Ogăraru, Panin, Tamaş, M. Rădoi, D. Goian, V. Găman, Raţ - Ropotan, C. Lazăr, Cociş, Tameş, Cr. Tănase - Nicoliţă, Marica, Fl. Costea, Gh. Bucur.

Piţurcă about...
... Urziceni: "We need valuable players. And there are good players at Urziceni, but the level is different. If you are on the first place, it is not compulsory to have players at the lot"
... Daniel Niculae: "I have tried to speak to Nico, I even sent him a SMS, but he didn’t answer to me. Even silence is an answer"
... Dică: "He is too valuable so that I shouldn’t be interested in him. He should leave to a team where he will play"
... Varga: "I observed Varga with Steaua and CFR, I wanted to bring him to the team.  But Rădoi and Tamaş have had some accidents, that is why I preferred Goian for more certainty"


CROATIA could be the adversary of the "tricolors" at the friendly match from 11th February.

MARICA will consecrate an eventually success with Georgia to the victims of the mine accident from Petrila. "The entire country is alongside", wrote the forward on his personal site. 

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