Răzvan Lucescu: "Not only that we don't have players at Chelsea, Barca or Arsenal, our players do not even evolve constantly" :X

Articol de GSP - Publicat joi, 10 septembrie 2009 00:00

The spotter Răzvan Lucescu defends himself in front of the attacks launched against him by the leaders of the clubs and he explains according to what criteria the convocations to the national tem were made.

"The teams where we evolve abroad are beneath Chelsea, Barcelona or Manchester United. Even if they don’t play at big teams, our players are not even constantly in the first team. With a right attitude, with discipline, we can make important things. It doesn’t matter that we are criticized, I don’t want to discuss with anyone about this.  

The presidents of the clubs should think about things they have to do so that their teams may give value to the players. What we need to do? Do we wait the national team to raise players for the clubs? If you do not impose yourself, next time you may not be convoked. You cannot wait for nobody for 7 or 8 matches!", said Lucescu at Fanatik Show.

The spotter Răzvan Lucescu defends himself in front of the attacks launched against him by the leaders of the clubs and he explains according to what criteria the convocations to the national tem were made.

"The teams where we evolve abroad are beneath Chelsea, Barcelona or Manchester United. Even if they don’t play at big teams, our players are not even constantly in the first team. With a right attitude, with discipline, we can make important things. It doesn’t matter that we are criticized, I don’t want to discuss with anyone about this.  

The presidents of the clubs should think about things they have to do so that their teams may give value to the players. What we need to do? Do we wait the national team to raise players for the clubs? If you do not impose yourself, next time you may not be convoked. You cannot wait for nobody for 7 or 8 matches!", said Lucescu at Fanatik Show.

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Comentarii (1)
 •  14 Septembrie 2009, 10:59

What do you espect from a player like Mara? Granny Mara!

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