The young, Steaua's glory

Articol de - Publicat marti, 20 ianuarie 2009 00:00

The players promoted by Lăcătuş integrated very well into the team and they start to become important players, whom we can gamble in the return

Forced also by Becali’s refusal of buying players this winter, Marius Lăcătuş took in the training camp from Spain 7 football players who are under 22 years. The defenders Alexandru Tudose and Lucian Filip, the midfielders Andrei Ionescu, Eric Bicfalvi and Răzvan Ochiroşii, but also the defenders Bogdan Stancu and Alin Liţu are the bets which "The Beast" hopes to win in the return which will begin on February, 28. ;)

All the players accommodated very well with the atmosphere from the vice championship team, they involve in the trainings without the fear of being criticized by the other players and they start to become solutions for the first team imagined by the technical staff. In the friendly match with Tianjin Teda (3-1), Lăcătuş used Stancu, Liţu, Ionescu, Filip and Ochiroşii, while Tudose and Bicfalvi had been spared because they were injured in the first days of the training camp.You can see on GSPTV.RO the latest information from Steaua's training camp  (video)

"They have such a great wish to manage, to demonstrate that they are players who can make a good job at Steaua, and this is the most important thing in this moment. There are 7 players with us now, but you should know that we have even other young players of great perspective at The Center of kids and juniors", declared the president Valeriu Argăseală.You can see the result of the first victories from Steaua in 2009 (video)

The characterizations made by Valeriu Argăseală

Ochiroşii: "He is already a certitude and the best example for the players who come from the second team and they can stay near the well-known players"

Liţu, Tudose and Bicfalvi: "The three played to Steaua in the past, too and they know what great performance means. Now, they are not familiar with the intense trainings from Steaua, but I am sure they will adapt soon"

L. Filip: "He is the only inexperienced player from our team. I am glad that he didn’t feel the huge step he made from Division C to a participant in the groups from Champions League"
B. Stancu: "Perioada de adaptare a trecut, acum trebuie să confirme că este un jucător foarte valoros"

A. Ionescu: "the break he had last year affected his physical shape, but he compensates through the tactic-technical qualities he has"

What chances they have to play in the return

Răzvan Ochiroşii (18 years old, left midfielder) – He concurs with Semedo for the position of titular, has the advantage that he is a real left-footed and he is more technical than the Portuguese.

Alexandru Tudose (22 years old, central defender) - Becali says that he is the "new Rădoi". Now, he cannot concur with Goian or Ghionea, but his chances will be even bigger if one of them is sold.

Eric Bicfalvi (21 years old, central midfielder) - "The Painter" concurs with Ovidiu Petre, with Lovin and with Tiago for the position of libero. He is more technical than his "rivals" and he reaches the goalpost more often. :)

Bogdan Stancu (21 years old, forward) - "The Tomcat" is the best choice for advanced forward, together with Kapetanos, and he can confirm this season after an autumn full of expectations.

Lucian Filip (18 years old, left defender) – the only reserve for Petre Marin, cannot raise claims to be titular. Physically, he is very good, but he has minimum experience at high level.

Andrei Ionescu (21 years old, offensive midfielder) - Becali and Lăcătuş decided that this winter "The little Balaci" needs to be forced even more. Once with the transit to the new system, 4-1-4-1, he will play behind the advanced forward.

Alin Liţu (22 years old, forward) – Extreme determination, "you can hit him with a baseball cudgel, and he droops the head and he continues to run", but he is tactically disordered.

"It is important that Steaua has resources in its own “yard”. These young players have the chance to demonstrate in these training camps that they deserve the place in the team in the near future"
Marius Lăcătuş, coach Steaua

"I am very happy because I returned to Steaua. I have accumulated enough experience in the last few years and this thing will help me in Ghencea"
Alex Tudose, defender Steaua

"it is a great honor for me to play again to Steaua. I have always been happy to play in Ghencea"
Eric Bicfalvi, midfielder Steaua

"I am ready to be the forward which Steaua needs. I haven’t come in Ghencea to play at Steaua II"
Alin Liţu, forward Steaua

"I trust myself and I am sure we’ll win the title this year. I have the necessary pride and wish to manage"
Răzvan Ochiroşii, midfielder Steaua

"I am looking forward to begin the championship. My dream is to play with Steaua in Champions League"
Lucian Filip, defender Steaua

"I accommodated very well. It is a big family here. I want to help the team even more in the return"
Bogdan Stancu, forward Steaua



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