Coach of female gymnastics team, Forminte: "I spoke with Steliana, and she is determined to withdraw"

Articol de GSP - Publicat miercuri, 01 octombrie 2008 00:00

Nicolae Forminte, the coach of female gymnastics team, said on Wednesday in an interview for NewsIn that he had a discussion with Steliana Nistor, after which she said she has pain and she is determined to end her sporting career.
"I spoke with Steliana yesterday (i.e. on Tuesday), but unfortunately she decided to withdraw because the pain is very high. I tried to explain, and I even left a door open in case she will revert to her decision”, declared Nicolae Forminte.
Steliana Nistor talked about the future of her career in gymnastics: "I said once that I withdraw. I have not yet informed the Federation about a final decision, I will think within a week."
Before leaving the Olympics in Beijing, Steliana Nistor announced that she will withdraw after the sports competition in China. After this event, the Romanian Gymnastics Federation and the coach of the national team Nicolae Forminte gave her time to decide what to do in the future. At the Olympics in China, Nistor won the bronze medal with the team.

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