Juan Ignacio Chela is the new BCR Open Romania champion! » Don Juan de Bucarest

Articol de , - Publicat luni, 27 septembrie 2010 00:00

Juan Ignacio Chela won yesterday The "Năstase-Ţiriac" trophy after defeating in the final Pablo Andujar with 7-5, 6-1. This is his second trophy of the year and the sixth in his career.

Chela didn't lose a set this year at the BCR Open. He won both singles and doubles. 31 years and a former Top 15 player from Argentina who doesn't know how to tango. This is the portret of this years winner at the BCR Open. This is Juan Ignacio Chela.

He played on Saturday until 11:00 PM and won the doubles title. On Sunday, Chela was playing for the singles final. He was trying to win both titles, just like he did in 2004 in Estoril. His opponent was Pablo Andujar. The 24 year Spaniard came from the qualifiers and made his way to the final and to the Romanian girls hearts. Andujar started the final surprinsingly well managing to break his opponent. Pablo was very offensive and tried to hit long and to have the initiative. This game helped him, but he was betrayed by his first service.

He managed again to break Chela's serve but the Argentinian kept his cool and tied the game.  It got to 6-5 for Chela and Pablo couldn't handle him anymore. The effort was to much and Pablo reached his limits. Juan made it 7-5. "I had lots of chances but failed to take advantage in the first set. He always managed to turn the point in his favour. My plan was to play aggressive", said Pablo.

Chela's experience
With the last drops of energy, Andujar had two break points at the start of the second set. Again he failed. The game turned in Juan Ignacio Chela's favour. His experience was enough to make the difference. "I met with Pablo two times before this final and I can say that his game has improved a lot. He put up a really great fight, but I am glad that I won in the end.", said "El Flaco".

The final ended 7-5, 6-1 and the girls from the stands were dissapointed. Even more dissapointed when Pablo was consoled by his girlfriend Cristina. Chela will enter the Top 40 and is aiming to be one of the first 30 players in the world at the end of the year. His is the only Argentinian to win two titles this year

Juan Ignacio Chela won yesterday The "Năstase-Ţiriac" trophy after defeating in the final Pablo Andujar with 7-5, 6-1. This is his second trophy of the year and the sixth in his career.

Chela didn't lose a set this year at the BCR Open. He won both singles and doubles. 31 years and a former Top 15 player from Argentina who doesn't know how to tango. This is the portret of this years winner at the BCR Open. This is Juan Ignacio Chela.

He played on Saturday until 11:00 PM and won the doubles title. On Sunday, Chela was playing for the singles final. He was trying to win both titles, just like he did in 2004 in Estoril. His opponent was Pablo Andujar. The 24 year Spaniard came from the qualifiers and made his way to the final and to the Romanian girls hearts. Andujar started the final surprinsingly well managing to break his opponent. Pablo was very offensive and tried to hit long and to have the initiative. This game helped him, but he was betrayed by his first service.

He managed again to break Chela's serve but the Argentinian kept his cool and tied the game.  It got to 6-5 for Chela and Pablo couldn't handle him anymore. The effort was to much and Pablo reached his limits. Juan made it 7-5. "I had lots of chances but failed to take advantage in the first set. He always managed to turn the point in his favour. My plan was to play aggressive", said Pablo.

Chela's experience
With the last drops of energy, Andujar had two break points at the start of the second set. Again he failed. The game turned in Juan Ignacio Chela's favour. His experience was enough to make the difference. "I met with Pablo two times before this final and I can say that his game has improved a lot. He put up a really great fight, but I am glad that I won in the end.", said "El Flaco".

The final ended 7-5, 6-1 and the girls from the stands were dissapointed. Even more dissapointed when Pablo was consoled by his girlfriend Cristina. Chela will enter the Top 40 and is aiming to be one of the first 30 players in the world at the end of the year. His is the only Argentinian to win two titles this year

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