Comentarii (37)
wisebit  •  09 Mai 2013, 19:18

Ma uit la snooker de prin 1990. L-am vazut pe Hendry in forma maxima. L-am vazut pe O'Sullivan in forma maxima! Trust me...daca cei 2 s-ar fi intalnit vreodata intr-un turneu si ar fi fost amandoi in forma maxima ar fi un singur castigator: Ronnie O'Sullivan. Nimeni niciodata n-a controlat bila alba asa cum o face Ronnie! Si nu vorbesc doar de usurinta si rapiditatea cu care o de locul unde lasa bila. Este pur si simplu perfect! Repet....nimeni niciodata n-a reusit si nici nu cred s-apuc jucatorul sa faca asa ceva macar la fel ca Ronnie nu mai zic ca mai bine. Inca ceva... nimeni niciodata n-a stat 1 an pe bara dupa care sa revina si sa ia lejer Campionatul Mondial. Nici Hendry!

klinmaximus  •  09 Mai 2013, 13:39

"Ronnie's a bit like that guy Tommy in the Pinball Wizard film - the deaf, dumb and blind guy who was in complete control when he played that game. "He is at one with the table in terms of being in the genius department. "Ronnie is the best genius any sport has ever had - pure genius. "Obviously, I am biased and love snooker. He's the best we've ever seen in snooker, possibly in sport. "There's Woods and Federer but Ronnie is the biggest genius I've ever witnessed. "The brain he has for the game and his ability to make the balls talk has taken him to a level no one else has attained." - Steve Davis

klinmaximus  •  09 Mai 2013, 13:28

"I've never been so comprehensively outplayed. Ronnie's overall game was the best I've ever played against. I said to him afterwards it was just the best safety I've ever seen. I never had a shot. Whenever I missed, he cleared up. He's the best player in the world right now by a country mile. Ronnie hits the ball in a match like we do in practice. I can't remember him missing a ball. It was awesome. I was helpless." - Stephen Hendry

klinmaximus  •  09 Mai 2013, 13:26

‘Steve Davis was phenomenal in the 1980s, and what Stephen Hendry did in the 1990s was unbelievable, to win seven titles.But if you talk about the way someone plays the game, Ronnie just makes it look so easy. He’s the best there’s ever been for me." ... "For me it is probably his best achievement. He played one session against Stuart Bingham that was from the gods. That was the benchmark for snooker. When he is at his best, he is on another level." - John Parrot

mihaienache  •  09 Mai 2013, 08:56
Postat de lagardere_72 pe 09 Mai 2013, 00:21

Ronnie stie bine ce zice. In zilele finalei de anul asta a fost prezentat un meci din 2012 jucat de Hendry; si, desi era la final de cariera (unde si bautura si-a pus amprenta), Stephen a demonstrat maiestrie; lui Stephen nu i-a fost niciodata teama sa joace combinatii periculoase, pentru el nu exista bile grele, in cel mai rau caz era nemultumit de cum a tratat o bila. Ronnie, este intradevar bun, dar sunt multe momente in care nu e concentrat, sunt multe momente cand alege sa joace la siguranta, si la fel sunt multe momente cand nu are "loviturile la el" (ex: finala de anul asta cand a stat prost la lovitura de distanta).

tocmai faptul ca a jucat mai atent decat de obicei l-a facut sa castige anul asta nu crezi?

mihaienache  •  09 Mai 2013, 08:39

despre talent nu incape indoiala ronnie e unic !!!!

flavoneus  •  09 Mai 2013, 04:27

Indiscutabil hendry e numarul 1!!!roony, in schimb, reprezinta in snooker cam ceea ce a reprezentat Ilie Nastase in Tenis!!!adica spectacolul innaluit intr un urias talent!!!

cor_dos  •  09 Mai 2013, 02:21

pe video-ul asta sunt imagini cu Hendry la cateva luni dupa ce a invatat snooker, la 12 ani si ceva sau 13: la 17 ani a fost cel mai tanar participant in primul tur la Mondiale, la 21 de ani cel mai tanar castigator de Mondiale, detine toate recordurile de breakuri.

cor_dos  •  09 Mai 2013, 02:07

o finala legendara: Stephen Hendry 18-17 Jimmy White in 1994, ultimele jocuri -

cor_dos  •  09 Mai 2013, 02:03
Postat de thumbzilla.. pe 08 Mai 2013, 23:58

eu am prins finalul de cariera al lui hendry.l-am urmarit de prin 2006 si pana anul trecut cand sa lasat,si nu mi sa parut peste ronnie.un jucator mare,dar cu nimic peste o' aia imi doresc ca ronnie sa continuie si sa-si mai poata trece in palmares macar un titlu mondial daca nu doua,ajungand la nivelul lui steve davis sau hendry in ceea ce priveste palmaresul de la crucible.

pai tocmai, ca nu l-ai vazut! Hendry a castigat primul campionat mondial la 21 de ani in 1990. a ratat trofeul in 1991 incat asa s-a enervat ca a castigat in 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 si 1999. de la o varsta nu mai vezi bine. si Steve Davis a fost genial si tu l-ai vazut ca si pe Hendry la varsta "pensionarii". bine, la Davis si la propriu si la figurat. cauta finale de mondiale cu Hendry de la inceputul anilor '90, sunt toate pe youtube!

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