Lobby for Tiago Gomes

Articol de GSP - Publicat marti, 24 februarie 2009 00:00

Marius Lăcătuş proposed himself to use the Portuguese midfielder Tiago Gomes as much as possible, whom he trusts very much, in order to convince Gigi Becali that it is worth to buy him

Tiago Gomes has an ally in Marius Lăcătuş, a very helpful ally in this return of the championship and he may convince Gigi Becali that he hurried to declare that he doesn’t need him from this summer. Gazeta Sporturilor presents you the reasons for which Lăcătuş doesn’t want to give up the midfielder of 23 years old. The sponsor has to pay this summer 700.000 euro to those from Estrela Amadora if he wants to buy him for good.

1. He is polyvalent
In the two training camps, Marius Lăcătuş watched Tiago all the time, which means that he trusts him very much. "Tiago! Work harder!", asked the coach. Besides, in the verification matches, "The Beast" used the Portuguese both as stopper instead of Ovidiu Petre, and as offensive midfielder, instead of the Columbian Dayro Moreno.

2. "He managed to play better than" lui Lovin
From his point of view, Lăcătuş considers Gomes the first option for the post of stopper, after the title from the national team Ovidiu Petre. Tiago has managed since he came to Steaua to be better than the old Florin Lovin, this happened also because "the Thread" was in a conflict with "The Beast" last summer, and he was sent for a short period of time at the second team on discipline reasons.

3. Gigi wanted to buy him before the crisis
Interesting is the fact that, before the financial crisis, which affected even Gigi Becali, Steaua’s sponsor, he told to his friends that he likes Tiago very much and he trusts him. "I am sure that I will buy him this summer!", said Becali, who meanwhile changed his mind. Lăcătuş knows about this discussion and that is why the coach hopes that the sponsor could change his mind again.

Does Lacatuş change the system for him?
Disappointed by the fact that the new system of play, 4-1-4-1, didn’t give the expected results in the friendly matches, Lăcătuş thinks to come back to the formula with two stoppers. So, alongside Ovidiu Petre will appear Tiago, a football player which the "Beast" considers him capable of giving a good yielding both in defense and in attack. 

300.000 euro is the amount paid by Steaua last summer to Estrela Amadora for Tiago’s lending for a period of one year

Tiago at Steaua:
League 1: 749 minutes played, the average of the marks in gsp 5,55
Romanian Cup: 90 minutes
Champion’s League: 212 minutes, the average of the marks from gsp 5,50

"Tiago is a football player with a lot of qualities, and if he plays every match no one could take him out of the team"
Adrian Ilie, the former manager at Steaua

"I don’t want to pay so much money to buy Tiago definitively since this summer. I have another plans for Steaua"
Gigi Becali, the sponsor from Steaua

"Tiago needs to work more, he has a strong concurrence at the team, but I trust very much in his qualities"
Marius Lăcătuş, the coach from Steaua

74% from those who voted on affirmed that Steaua needs Tiago Gomes from this summer on

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