You can see the reactions of the players aftre the victory at Glasgow!

Unirea Urziceni
Unirea Urziceni

Articol de GSP - Publicat miercuri, 21 octombrie 2009 00:00

GSP.RO presents you all the reactions of the players from Unirea Urziceni after the victory at Glasgow, but also the reactions of the coach and of the leaders in the Romanian football.

Bruno Fernandes » "If somebody told me before the match that we would win with 4-1, I would have said to him that he is having a nice dream. But if you have faith, these kinds of victories do happen. The team made a great show; they threw themselves into this match. We want to enjoy this result and starting from tomorrow we will think about the next match in the championship".

George Galamaz »
"We feel very good. We are very happy about his, but we need to be realistic because we have even other matches to fight for in order to think about qualification. It is a great result; it is not an easy thing to win a match in Champions League."

Dan Petrescu »
"Our mentality needs to be one of winners, to work hard and speak less, to think about the next match. I am happy about this result; this is a very good victory. It will be a great victory if we qualify."

Mihai Stoica » "We are not too enthusiastic because we didn’t make a great performance, just a great result. The qualification in the European spring would be a great performance."

Mircea Sandu » "I told before that Unirea will play 4-5 matches. I hope to be wrong and they will make more than that. Maybe it is not a coincidence that 4 players have been to the national team. Dan Petrescu managed to build a serious team. I remember that he said long time ago that he wants very much to win at Glasgow. Congratulations!"

Gabi Balint » "I believed in this victory because I talked to Dan Petrescu before the match and I saw him trustful. They really deserved this victory. Daniel Tudor played very well; he is responsible for the first goal, too. Urziceni dominated and it was better than Rangers from all the points of view"

Marius Bilaşco » "Maybe people didn’t give us too many chances before the match, but we managed to win and now we have chances to qualify. We are very happy! These matches could be unique for some of us and we need to enjoy them."

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