The news of the year: Cristiano Ronaldo became father! It is not known who is the mother:S

Articol de - Publicat duminica, 04 iulie 2010 00:00

The star of Real Madrid and of the national team of Portugal, Cristiano Ronaldo, 25 years old, (photo, with his nephew, Dinis) announced last night, through the social networks, that he became father. But the circumstances are hidden.

"I inform you with thrill and happiness that I have recently became the father of a boy.
As I established with his mother, she prefers to keep the anonymity, my son will be in my exclusive custody. No other information will be made public on subject and I ask to all of you to respect my right to intimacy (mine and my child’s), at least in these cases, so personal", writes Cristiano Ronaldo on his Twitter and Facebook accounts, both officials and confirmed.

The fans took by storm the personal pages of the forward from Madeira, some of them expressing the suspicion that the information would be real, saying that both accounts have been the victim of some hackers, other congratulated Ronaldo for this important even in his life.

The star of Real Madrid and of the national team of Portugal, Cristiano Ronaldo, 25 years old, (photo, with his nephew, Dinis) announced last night, through the social networks, that he became father. But the circumstances are hidden.

"I inform you with thrill and happiness that I have recently became the father of a boy. As I established with his mother, she prefers to keep the anonymity, my son will be in my exclusive custody. No other information will be made public on subject and I ask to all of you to respect my right to intimacy (mine and my child’s), at least in these cases, so personal", writes Cristiano Ronaldo on his Twitter and Facebook accounts, both officials and confirmed.

The fans took by storm the personal pages of the forward from Madeira, some of them expressing the suspicion that the information would be real, saying that both accounts have been the victim of some hackers, other congratulated Ronaldo for this important even in his life.

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