EXCLUSIVELY / The appeal made by Rapid has been rejected, 3-0 for Timişoara!

Articol de GSP - Publicat vineri, 23 aprilie 2010 00:00

The members of the Appeal Commission decided to reject the appeal made by Rapid in the case "Varga-Bălan", this way Rapid lost with 3-0 the match with Poli Timişoara.

The Discipline Commission of LPF decided, on April 9th, that the team Rapid shall lose with the score 0-3, the match with FC Timişoara, considering that the players from Rapid Dacian Varga and Tiberiu Bălan didn’t have the right to play in the match played on march 5th and concluded with the victory of Rapid with the score of 1-0.
Andone: "We have 42 points, not 45"
The coach of Rapid revealed that he does not take into consideration the victory with Poli Timişoara when he calculates the chances for a places in Europe League. "I think that in this moment we have 42 points, not 45. It is better this way!", explained Ioan Andone at the show  "Băieţii de la 7" (The Boys from 7), at Telesport.

Varga resigned
The midfielder Dacian Varga lost the hope to play in one of the last 6 matches of Rapid which are to be played in this season of League 1. "I won’t make any illusion that I will play in this season, I have lost the hope. I don’t know what Tibi Bălan feels about this, but I resigned with the thought that I will stay on the bench until this summer", said the football player.

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