Horia Tecău has big ambitions: "I want to win BCR Open"

Horia Tecău, Tecău
Horia Tecău, Tecău

Articol de - Publicat duminica, 12 septembrie 2010 00:00

Horia Tecău is back in Romania and can't wait for the start of the Davis Cup matches with Ecuador.

The Romanian wants to win the trophy at BCR Open Romania, but will not play with his teammate Robert Lindstedt

Tecău is back from the US with another trophy, his 5th this year. The New Haven title. After a few months of hard work, Horia is getting ready for two tough weeks.

- Horia how was the american adventure?
- Even though it was a long and tough period with big tournaments i felt really good. We faced some of the best doubles teams and i'm very happy that we managed to win one. It's a small title but it's a title, the 5th this year.

- You really wanted to win?
- After we did so good in the summer there was no surprise that we managed to reach the higher phases of the tournaments. We had some bad luck when we faced some tough opponents in the first rounds. I would have wanted more points for us so we could be sure of our position in the Top 8.  We are close to qualifying for the Barclays ATP World Tour Finals so i've really had a wonderful year.

- Can you make it to London?
- I know that we'll lose our position because Aspelin and Hanley reached the quarter finals at the US Open  but we still can do it. There are six tournaments left: Tokyo, Shanghai, Stockholm, Viena, Valencia and Paris.  We are close and we will fight until the last tournament. There are still many points out there and we can still do this!

- What happened at US Open?
- We almost reached the quarter finals. If we had luck on our side we could have won. We were happy when Zeballos and Schwank defeated Mîrni and Bhupathi but they managed to go to the semifinals. They played a really good game.

- Why isn't Robert coming to Bucharest?
- It was his choice. We had a  busy schedule this summer, some minor injuries and his playing in the Davis Cup on hard. Our target is to play good at the remaining tournaments and we took this decision so Robert could get some rest. I will play at Bucharest because i want to win! A victory here will be incredible for me. I want to win the title for my fans and my family

- What can you tell us about the Davis Cup meeting with Ecuador?
- It's an easy match on paper. I will really have a deja-vu, facing the Lapentti brothers again. They aren't at their best like in 2003, and we are better. Davis Cup matches are special to me and i really hope we will return to the World Group.

Tecău and Lindstedt at the US Open Series

Los Angeles    2nd round
Washington     1st round
Toronto     2nd round
Cincinatti     1st round
New Haven     winners
US Open    4th round

Horia Tecău is back in Romania and can't wait for the start of the Davis Cup matches with Ecuador.

The Romanian wants to win the trophy at BCR Open Romania, but will not play with his teammate Robert Lindstedt

Tecău is back from the US with another trophy, his 5th this year. The New Haven title. After a few months of hard work, Horia is getting ready for two tough weeks.

- Horia how was the american adventure?
- Even though it was a long and tough period with big tournaments i felt really good. We faced some of the best doubles teams and i'm very happy that we managed to win one. It's a small title but it's a title, the 5th this year.

- You really wanted to win?
- After we did so good in the summer there was no surprise that we managed to reach the higher phases of the tournaments. We had some bad luck when we faced some tough opponents in the first rounds. I would have wanted more points for us so we could be sure of our position in the Top 8.  We are close to qualifying for the Barclays ATP World Tour Finals so i've really had a wonderful year.

- Can you make it to London?
- I know that we'll lose our position because Aspelin and Hanley reached the quarter finals at the US Open  but we still can do it. There are six tournaments left: Tokyo, Shanghai, Stockholm, Viena, Valencia and Paris.  We are close and we will fight until the last tournament. There are still many points out there and we can still do this!

- What happened at US Open?
- We almost reached the quarter finals. If we had luck on our side we could have won. We were happy when Zeballos and Schwank defeated Mîrni and Bhupathi but they managed to go to the semifinals. They played a really good game.

- Why isn't Robert coming to Bucharest?
- It was his choice. We had a  busy schedule this summer, some minor injuries and his playing in the Davis Cup on hard. Our target is to play good at the remaining tournaments and we took this decision so Robert could get some rest. I will play at Bucharest because i want to win! A victory here will be incredible for me. I want to win the title for my fans and my family

- What can you tell us about the Davis Cup meeting with Ecuador?
- It's an easy match on paper. I will really have a deja-vu, facing the Lapentti brothers again. They aren't at their best like in 2003, and we are better. Davis Cup matches are special to me and i really hope we will return to the World Group.

Tecău and Lindstedt at the US Open Series

Los Angeles    2nd round
Washington     1st round
Toronto     2nd round
Cincinatti     1st round
New Haven     winners
US Open    4th round

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